A soul winning ministry in the rural areas and the most dangerous isolated regions.

A soul winning ministry in the rural areas and the most dangerous isolated regions.

European Catastrophe!

Europe has been struggling through the crisis for the last 25 years. Since 1992, the author has warned that Europe faces a predictable catastrophe. This booklet is a warning message for the present and coming generation.

The world is getting more and more globalized and in the meantime preparations of a Russian alliance attack on Israel! Occult influences are affecting the political, monetary, economic, welfare, cultural and social structures in Europe.

Europe is moving towards a totalitarian digital society, hijacked by covid 19, asylum seekers, pro-Islamization, cbdc, tax restrictions, inflation storm, high unemployment, bankruptcies, civil war, nuclear war etc.

A major crisis is facing Europe. There will be a great degeneration in the streets of Europe and citizens will slaughter each other! 

Now is the time to break all dark barriers! So that a great revival will take place.

Let's GO and step in your destiny in Jesus Name.


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