A soul winning ministry in the rural areas and the most dangerous isolated regions.

A soul winning ministry in the rural areas and the most dangerous isolated regions.

Global Conquest


* Is Our Time The Endtime? * 

Update 2025:

A Tribute to the Lord Jesus for the project:

COME LORD JESUS...COME +100 million copies.


Global Conquest +100 million copies. Preparing this generation for the RAPTURE or CHRIST RETURN .

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Book Of Life

‘Are you sure that yóúr name is still in the Book Of Life?’ since 1997 a besteller in the rural areas.

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European Catastrophe

Final warnings and dynamic teachings for the present and "last days" generation.

Stay away from Europe!

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Hello, it's me Willem

It is my belief and experience that you can get more out of your life if you are willing to change. Change is stimulated by the feeling that something is not quite right, that something could be better, that there is a problem you want to solve. Believing in Jesus Christ is an important step in discovering the world around you and finding your destiny in it. 

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